
assignment 9

direct flashlight on camera , av setting
1/200 shutter speed
iso 200 f/10

direct flashlight off camera , av setting
1/200 shutter speed
iso 200 f/10

flash fill Aperture Priority Auto shutter speed
iso 800  f/10

Use flash with modifier (Bounce card) ,Av setting 
 shutter speed 1/200     iso 800   f/10


assignment 8

                      portrait with her face and the background are the same and normal exposure.

           portrait with her face  exposed one stop under and the background normally exposed,  Drop the power of the strobe by one stop keeping the f stop the same.

          portrait with the her face  normally exposed and drop the shutter speed so the background is one stop under.

             portrait with her face normally exposed and drop the shutter speedthe background is two stops under.


assignment 7

Strobe light balance.

shooting with just the strobe light on the person
shooting with with just the tungsten light on the background
shooting with strobe on the person and tungsten
on the background combined
Try some with motion.

Tungsten light balance
Shooting with just the strobe light on the background
Shooting  with just the tungsten light on the person
Using strobe on the background and tungsten
on the person combined
Try some with motion.